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Draco Donnovan (2007+)

Draco Donovan - Sacratus Blasphemia

Sacratus Blasphemia

CD 2007 by Draqworks Metal Productions

1: Egomet Cruciamentum
2: Faith in God
3: Anti-Human Death Campaign
4: Into the Black Lotus
5: Desperate Chaos
6: Death Metal Terrorist / Satanic Worshipper
7: Self Destruction
8: Six Feet Below (Miss You Intensely)

Draco (instruments, vocals)

Draco Donovan - Verdwaald en alleen Verdwaald en alleen

CD 2007 by Draqworks

1: Stijdlust
2: Haat!
3: Verloren en verslagen
4: De wanhoop nabij
5: Duisternis
6: Het spoor volledig bijster
7: Echo's in de mist
8: Het eeuwige kwaad
9: De dood voor ogen
10: Terra mortuus
11: Verdwaald en alleen

Draco (instruments, vocals)

Draco Donovan - Hate for All Hate for All!

3" CDs 2008 by Draqworks

1: Intro: Hear My Hate
2: Verloren Idealen
3: No Support for "Black Metal"
4: Extreem links? Nee bedankt!
5: Metal Means HATRED!!!
6: Zwarte haat
7: Black Metal Gaymando
8: Generatie Large (Ga maar dood!!!)
9: Emo-Mutilation
10: Outro: Final Hate

Draco (instruments, vocals)

Draco Donovan - Black Emotions Hate Black Emotions Hate

CD 2008 by Draqworks

1: Intro
2: Voice in the Rain
3: Mijn land, het galgenveld
4: Child Abuse by Angels
5: Desperate Emotions
6: Lies for a Short Little Lust
7: Verdronge liefde
8: -Black-Metal- Tribut to Duskulov
9: Blowin' in the Wind (bonus track)

Draco (instruments, vocals)

Draco Donovan - Cry of the Wolves Cry of the Wolves

3" CD 2008 by Svartgalgh Records

1: Cry in the Rain
2: Wolf of Babylon
3: Hail to the Moon
4: I'm the Wolf

Draco (instruments, vocals)

Draco Donnovan - Cover up Your Roots Cover up Your Roots

CD 2010 by Draqworks

1: Fuck Emo - Cheap Sex cover
2: Lui, Laf en Lelijk
- Brigade M cover
3: Ride On
- Christy Moore cover
4: Blowin' in the Wind
- Bob Dylan cover
5: Paranoid
- Black Sabbath cover
6: Blue Monday
- New Order cover
7: Regular Day in Bosnia
- Heideroosjes cover

Draco (instruments, vocals)

Heidens zwart metaal

compilation TAPE 2011 by Zwaertgevegt (limited to 66 copies)

1: 1.000.000 Suicides
2: Paranoid
- Black Sabbath cover / taken from Cover up Your Roots
3: Pulchra Consciscere
4: Faith in God
- taken from Sacratus Blasphemia
5: Silent Emotions
6: Extreem Links, Nee Bedankt!
- taken from Hate for All!
7. Pentaculum Despero
8: Verdronge Liefde
- taken from Black Emotions Hate
9. Blowin' in the Wind
- Bob Dylan cover / taken from Cover up Your Roots
10. Lost Voices of Terror

Draco (instruments, vocals)

Review: This demo is one weird mix. A calm intro takes off into a decent black metal track, before u-turning with a meager black metal version of Black Sabbath’s hit Paranoid, featuring a guitar solo that is, if I’m hearing this right, entirely MIDI-programmed - the lazy bastard; probably downloaded it as well. Fuck, leave it out then! Ozzy's voice has been replaced by a raspy black metal croak and the drums are a thin programmed backdrop... I’d rather hear Draco perform its own tracks, even though they are quite repetitious. The tracks are all done in different sessions, because not one song sounds similar in its (bedroom) production. Despite a dubious guitar solo, Silent Emotions is one of the stronger tracks, but it borders on pop-rock, has nothing to do with (black) metal, and should have come with vocals. I would like to hear that one built into a real song, combining black metal with the laid down acoustic work. Near the end we hear a trad. black metal version of Bob Dylan’s Blowin’ in the Wind, and it blows. I am not in any way longing for this one-riff-on-repeat cover to be played. The tape concludes with Lost Voices of Terror, which contains various NSDAP-speeches and sounds a bit like a 1980s poppy keyboard band. If Draco had skipped a few tracks and at least one corny cover song (preferably both), this demo would have turned out much stronger!

Source: NLBMe exclusive, March 2018.

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OLD: vampirefreaks.com/dracodonnovan