Total Fucking Unholy
Attack demo
MP3 2006
1: Total Fucking Unholy
line-up - is this line-up
AMD (vocals)
Grymm (drums)
Nechrist (guitars)

Invocation to the Four
Sons of Chaos promo CD-R 2007
1: Satanic Aphorisms
2: Invocation to the Four Sons of Chaos
3: Burn the Weak
4: The Conquest of the Individual
5: Releasing the Black Flame
6: Void
line-up - is this line-up
AMD (vocals)
Grymm (drums)
Nechrist (guitars)


Pure Misanthropy demo CD-R 2007
1: Hell Injection
2: The Awakened Ones
3: Vision of the Luciferian
4: Vanity Is Our Sin
5: Bring Forth the Anticosmos
6: Pure Misanthropy
7: The Unholy Attack
8: Vanity Is Our Sin (old version)
line-up - is this line-up
AMD (vocals)
Grymm (drums)
Nechrist (guitars)


Luciferian Black Metal demo CD-R 2007
1: Burn the Weak
2: Vanity Is Our Sin
3: Pure Misanthropy
4: The Conquest of the Individual
line-up - is this line-up
AMD (vocals)
Grymm (drums)
Nechrist (guitars)


Live at Bakkerij
13-7-2007 live demo CD-R 2007 (limited to 10
1: Prologue
2: The Awakened Ones
3: Bring Forth the Anticosmos
4: The Conquest of the Individual
5: Burn the Weak
6: Invocation to the Four Sons of Chaos
7: Vanity Is Our Sin
8: Pure Misanthropy
9: The Unholy Attack
10: Vision of the Luciferian
line-up on
release unknown

Invocation: 3x2 live CD 2007 by Rumore
1: Intro / The Awakened
2: Vanity Is Our Sin
3: The Unholy Attack
4: Invocation to the Four Sons of Chaos
5: Vanity Is Our Sin
6: The Awakened Ones / Void
line-up on
release unknown

Luciferian Chaos live demo DVD 2007
1: Luciferian Chaos
2: Invocation to the Four Sons of Chaos
3: Vanity Is Our Sin
4: The Awakened Ones
5: Intro / The Awakened Ones
6: Vanity Is Our Sin
7: The Unholy Attack
8: Burn the Weak
9: The Conquest of the Individual
10: The Awakened Ones
also contains discography
and audiotrack:
11: Pure Misanthropy
line-up on
release unknown

Anno MMVI compilation demo CD-R 2008 (limited to 50
1: Prelude (unreleased)
2: Burn the Weak
3: The Awakened Ones
4: Releasing the Black Flame
5: Vanity Is Our Sin (demo version)
6: Pure Misanthropy
7: The Conquest of the Individual
8: Total Fucking Unholy Attack (unreleased demo)
9: The Awakened Ones (live)
10: Vanity Is Our Sin (live)
11: The Unholy Attack (live)
line-up on
release unknown


Reh' 2008 rehearsal demo 2008
1: Terra Terror I
2: Terra Terror II
line-up on
release unknown

Burn the Weak split demo CD 2008: Cunt Inferno /
3: The Awakened Ones
4: Burn the Weak
AMD (vocals)
Muortos Aves (bass)

Black Metal Is Dead
(Antinomus Is Alive) demo CD 2009
genres: electro, industrial, ambient
1: 11811
2: Neon-Pop
3: Black Metal Is Dead
4: Radioactive Climax
5: Aibo Is Out of Control
6: Electropolis
7: The 2nd Unholy Attack
8: Asimodance
9: Atomenergie (Dr. Rotwang & His M-Machine)
10: Inventors of the Creative Human/Radioactive Climax

Radioactive Climax mini-CD 2009 by Spacelab Records
(limited to 25 copies)
classification: electro / industrial / ambient
1: Radioactive Climax
2: Atomenergie
3: New Steel Sound
4: Exit

Electropolis (Club Mix
2009) demo
CD 2009
classification: electro / industrial / ambient
1: Electropolis
2: Electropolis (Maria-Machine Mix)
3: Atomenergie (High Energy Remix)
4: Radioactive Climax (2nd Part)
5: Electropolis (Club Mix 2009)

Asimo's Dancing on the
Beach demo
CD 2009
classification: electro / industrial / ambient
1: Asimo's Daning on the
Beach (edit version)
2: Asimo's Daning on the Beach (album version)

2006-2008 compilation CD-R 2009
track 1 is from
"Total Fucking Unholy Attack"
tracks 2-7 are from "Invocation to the Four Sons of
tracks 8-15 are from "Pure Misanthropy"
tracks 16-19 are from "Luciferian Black Metal"
tracks 20-22 are from "Anno MMVI"
tracks 23-24 are from "Reh' 2008"

Vanity CD-R 2009 by Rumore
1: Vanity Is Our Sin
(First Rehearsal)
2: Vanity Is Our Sin (Second Unreleased Rehearsal)
3: Vanity Is Our Sin (Unmixed Studio Version)
4: Vanity Is Our Sin (Live February 2007)
5: Vanity Is Our Sin (Live July 2007)
6: Vanity Is Our Sin (Unreleased Album Version)
line-up on
release unknown
