Duvonde skerfe split TAPE 2017: Blood Tyrant /
1: Anbliik duvonde skerfe
2: Spektren spökne
3: Lusere af düstre den gjønd
4: Filittrehördes kamp
The Wampyric Specter
Baron Yrch Malachi
![](rated/02_power_on.jpg) ![](rated/03_source_mp3.jpg) ![](rated/04_enjoyment_7.jpg) ![](rated/05_production_poor.jpg) ![](rated/06_performance_traditional.jpg) ![](rated/07_impression_good.jpg)
Review: The tape starts
with four untitled tracks by Blood Tyrant, which kick off
in a way that make me fear whats ahead, but the
moment drums, keyboards and vocals kick in Blood Tyrant
reveals itself as a hauntingly creepy black metal band.
The music is continually balancing on the edge that could
tip it over into ugly dissonants, but manages to stay on
top of things - barely - making the tracks an unsettling
listening experience. This has the right ingredients for
a good release, but Blood Tyrant will have to work on its
production and lift the sound out of its rehearsal-feel.
I think I can recommend this to people that enjoy bands
like Hetroertzen and Horns.
Warden is
the second band on this tape and offers about fourteen
minutes of dark ambient to come down from the black metal
of Blood Tyrant. Warden is capable of composing all of
the mysterious soundscapes that are common in the ambient
subgenre, but since I am often only mildly interested in
this music I cannot rate this in comparison to the
ambient-leaders of the game; no idea who they are! The
sound is clear and free of layers of noise that are
sometimes the easy way to simulated creepiness. I am not
interested in listening to this kind of music for over an
hour, so the length of the Warden-half of the split is
very satisfying. People that like Wolfsduister will like
this as well...
Source: NLBMe exclusive,
March 2018.