Wolveshead TAPE 2011 by Zwaertgevegt
1: Wolves Head
2: Zibanitum
3: War
4: Roest
5: Truth Monopoly
6: Gevangen in waanzin
7: Razernij
Review: Brandhaard creates
the kind of black metal that reminds me of both Swedish
and Dutch bands. The latter are represented by bands like
Martyr, Warlust, (older) Sauron and (older) Yaotzin. The
Swedish are perhaps older Marduk and Dark Funeral, but
since the sound is more muffled and less reverbed, it
doesnt really sound Swedish. The songs are not
always captivating - certainly the long stretches devoid
of vocals - but they are not bad at all. Its clear
theres a band that doesnt want to be
clustered in with bands that avoid song structure and
only go for repetition. To be honest, its not a
release Id listen to a lot, and its something
to do with the sound, which sounds black metal, but
misses the bite of a somewhat better production, and
sometimes comes too close to a rehearsal recording. If it
is a rehearsal, on the other hand, its probably one
of the better-sounding ones around.
Source: NLBMe exclusive,
July 2018.