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Endemonized (1994-1995)

Endemonized - Crushing the Herd Mentality Crushing the Herd Mentality

download release 2009 by NLBMe Management

1: Live Track 1995
2: Live Track 1994
3: Interview after the show 1994

Ramon Garcia (vocals)
David Gonzales (guitar)
Vincent Meelhuysen (bass)
Cees van Ooijen (drum machine)

Review: I have decided to release this music as mp3's through NLBMe Management (and the long defunct blog-host Dutch Black Metal Promotion) because it celebrates my own first two live shows ever, done with my high school band Endemonized. Even though we were musically pretty bad, hardly rehearsed our songs, and had no eye for production values at all while performing, we were proud to have introduced black death metal to the unsuspecting people in the audience. Nevertheless, it still evokes a lot of great memories when I listen to it and I am still damned proud of the product. It was originally shot with a videocamera, hence the bad sound. I still own a copy of the 1995 show (I sadly lost the tape from 1994) and transferred it to digital audio. The faux interview track is an extra I made for this 'release' from an interview recorded shortly after the show.

Source: NLBMe exclusive, December 2010.

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