galg en rad
CD 2003 by Full Moon
1: Een
sinister schouwspel
2: Tergernis
3: Den duustere wouden
4: Plaegdraegher
5: Hoer van de zeven hemelen
6: Woudangst
7: Knovelaer
8: Aardmannen - Lugubrum cover
9: Langs galg en rad
Nachtraaf (guitars)
S. Lahar (drums) - alias of Sjoerd Modderkolk
Havoque (bass, backing vocals) - alias of Jasper
van der Veen
Sagelinge (vocals) - a.k.a. Gwydion Sagelinge
Review: Fluisterwouds Langs galg
en rad is probably one of the best Dutch black metal
albums ever made (and there really are good ones to be
found). I felt this way when it came out, and it still
feels like that many years down the line. Theres an
awful lot of inventive riffs, the great croaking vocals
of Botmuyl, the excellent lyrics (Hoer van de zeven
hemelen; 'whore of the seven heavens', the title
alone is a masterpiece), the cool drums of Lahar, and a
sound that is both vile and well-sculpted. I
wouldnt dare to name one of the tracks as an album
favorite. This one deserves to be experienced in one go!
This review might be long overdue, but its an album
that should be given attention more often. Certainly
since the late 1990s and early 2000s were not the
strongest years of black metal history.
Source: NLBMe exclusive, July 2018.