From the Pale Woodlands TAPE 2009 by Darkness Shade
Records (limited to 16 copies)
Entering the Fallen Lands
Winter Came
3: Frozen for Eternity
4: From the Pale Woodlands
Ruben Wijlacker (vocals, guitars, bass, keyboards, drums)


Spells of Foresight
Predict Our Paradise split TAPE 2009: Blackspell /
Mųrktįr / Folkstorm by Thorn Laceration Records
9: Awakening the Forest
10: Eindeloze dood
11: Omgeven door wouden
12: Black Woods
13: Sunset
Bas van der Perk (drums)
Ruben Wijlacker (vocals, guitars, bass, keyboards)


De stemmen van het woud CD 2009 by Thorn Laceration
1: November
2: Als een koude adem door de bomen
3: De stemmen van het woud
4: Zonsondergang
5: Elfenliederen
Ruben Wijlacker (vocals, guitars, bass, keyboards, drums)


Valavond demo CD 2011
TAPE 2011 by Zwaertgevegt
1: Herfsttijd
2: De vlucht van de trekvogels
3: Dageraad
4: Tussen de vallende bladeren
5: Nachtlied
6: Mijn eenzaamheid
7: Nevel
8: Zonder hoop
Ruben Wijlacker (vocals, guitars, bass, keyboards, drums)


Review: With titles like Herfsttijd
(autumn time), De vlucht van de
trekvogels (the flight of the migrating
birds), Tussen de vallende bladeren
(among the falling leafs), I really expected
an hour of acoustics-only boredom (or perhaps a National
Geographic documentary). But the black metal thats
offered sounds pleasing, melodic, with every instrument
utilising its role in the compositions. Theres even
something that can be considered a bass guitar solo in Herfsttijd...
Sure there are lots of acoustic interludes and
intros, but theres still plenty of black
metal that evokes feelings of old Ulver and Empyrium
releases. The acoustics are played very well, which is a
big plus. This leaves us with 55 minutes of moody music
that is a safe purchase (if youre not only into
extreme and brutal stuff).
Source: NLBMe exclusive,
February 2018.
Het stille lied van de
maan demo
double CD 2012
CD 1:
1: I
2: II
3: III
4: IV
CD 2:
1: Het stille lied van de maan
Ruben Wijlacker (vocals, guitars, bass, keyboards, drums)
