On a Soundquest digital demo October 2014
classification: electronic, vocal hate
1: Cesspoolboy
2: Where Boxes Talk Box
3: Chemically Induced Bravery
4: Nightmare Gallop
5: Wrong Side of the Robotbed
6: Thin Ice Skater
7: Ros Well Being
8: TomTom Heading for a GoGo
9: Psychobrain Storming
10: There's No Silencing a Moog
11: 5-Eyed Fistbangers
12: On a Soundquest
13: Wigwearing Knifewielding Mama'sboy
14: Chemically Induced Bravery Slowly Waning
15: Yin and Yang Deathmatch
16: Slum Burial (1)
17: Ping Pong People
18: Cold Babywave
19: Princess of Turdistan
20: Deadstination
Apator (instruments, vocals)

