Het eeuwige leven TAPE 2010 by Heidens Hart
1: Voidwandering
2: Noch iets, noch niets
3: Reclaim
4: Alles anders is nu
5: Het eeuwige leven
Review: A lot of demo bands
from the Netherlands have a certain affinity with distant
buzzing black metal, once popularised by Burzum on his Hvis
lyset tar oss cd. Nu Is Alles Anders
(everything is different now) offers moody
mid-tempo black metal with an additional keyboard
following the chord pattern of the repetitive guitar. The
production couldve been better, but is not a big
hindrance. It actually reminds me of Paysage dHiver
/ Darkspace, without all the long ambient interludes. A
better production might have catapulted this band
shamelessly into the boring shoegaze / post-black
category - which could also be the band names
fault, I guess. Luckily this release does not feature any
single-string tremelo picking, so it remains
un-post-black metal...
Source: NLBMe exclusive,
February 2018.