Exaltation Revelation split CD 2012: Redreom / Styxian
Industries by Total Death Records (limited to 1000
TAPE 2013 by Zwaertgevegt
(limited to 66 copies)
Split CD version
6: 12344260486
7: Von Neumann Machines
8: 21st Centuary God
9: Revise Your Existence
10: The Prophecy
TAPE version
1: 12344260486
2: Von Neumann Machines
3: 21st Century God
4: Revise Your Existence
5: The Prophecy
6: Diagnosis: Psychosis
7: Rerecording of a Former Self
Ms. M (guitars)
Mr F. (drums, programming, bass)
Ir T. (vocals)


Review: The trademark
terror drums of Styxian Industries have still not left
their side, but they do alternate with more traditional
drums on passages where some - and I think of The
Berzerker - would chose to keep using them (instantly
ruining the music). This band use the bass-heavy terror
drums only when called for - on pieces where industrial
slow drums or mid-tempos are called for. Because of
this, they keep sounding welcome, despite the enormous
resonance and impact on the instruments surrounding them.
Musically Styxian Industries is a band that offers songs
that cannot be ingested at any random moment. Its
intense and alternates between industrial black metal and
dense fast black metal, with, at appropriate times,
keyboards to take care of the highest frequencies, which
means that the album is a mood piece. This does not mean
its bad, but it will have a harder time making
friends than more traditional albums. M.E.R.
concludes with two songs that feel different. Diagnosis
Psychosis is somehow too noise-directed for the
album and the closing track Rerecording of a Former
Self has such a different production that it feels
alien, like an unevenly balanced split-album. Its
not bad, and it sounds solid, but it kind-of breaks the
mood by its differnce in sound. But they are tape-only
songs, which explains a lot!
Source: NLBMe exclusive,
September 2018.